
Wolves need our Help!!!

      Wolves die every day because of hunters. They kill them for money or for fur. They kill for fun. There are evil people in the world and we can stop it!!! There will always be evil people but when we learn about the problems of the world we can learn to solve them. Many people don't even know about the tragedies that occur every day. I hope to educate people on wolves and hopefully we can help save the wolves. Many species of wolves are on the verge of extinction and if we don't act now they may disappear forever. It's not just wolves that are being hurt either. Even race horses are being mistreated. People assume that just because they are famous means that they are well taken care of. Hundreds of puppies die each day around the world because of puppy mills. People breed them to sell and then if they don't sell, what do they do with them? The same goes for you cat lovers. Hundreds of kittens die each day from breeders. I strongly encourage you to learn of the evils in the world and do everything you can to stop it. Every person who learns about it makes an impact. Knowledge is a great weapon and I can never stress the importance of it enough. Please spread your knowledge whenever possible.

If anyone has any information to add or a good website for people to learn from, please send me a link or post it in the blog and I will put it on the site. Thanks for your help!!!

     If anyone find's any problem with the website concerning the accuracy of information, please let me know immediately. I wish to provide strong, important, and accurate information. Thank you.

A site dedicated to alerting people of animal cruelty and educating them.