

     Dog Fighting is one of the cruelest sports in the world. Dog's are bread or bought at a young age and are raised in small cages. They are starved nearly to the point of death. They are given just enough water to survive. They are beat day, after day, after day, after day and it doesn't stop until death for many. And if this wasn't bad enough, they are beat to the point that they would fight and kill anything. They put them is a small ring and release them and force them to fight. Usually one will kill the other. If neither one win's they are often killed. Death isn't quick usually either. One would be lucky to die in the ring of slow blood loss. Sometimes (and very often) substantial damage is done and they can bleed to death slowly. Even if they survive the blood loss, some get infected with deadly bacteria, viruses, and diseases.

A site dedicated to alerting people of animal cruelty and educating them.